- The Helonaki website
- The Helonaki Deep Dive Patreon Page. For as little as $2 per month, you can support the podcast.
- Covered Wagon Women, Volume 9 Bison Books
- Ruth and Frank Shackelford Family Tree FamilySearch.org
- Women's Diaries of the Western Journey (Lillian Schlissel) Bookshop
- Sweet Freedom's Plains (Shirley Ann Wilson Moor) Bookshop
- Rebecca Galloway 1852 land patent BLM, General Land Office
- Remember the Raisin, Clift Bookshop
- Scott County, KY 1810 Census transcribed USGW census
- History of Boone County, Missouri MO Digital Heritage
- The Genealogical Society of Boone County and Central Missouri (website has indexes)
- Marriage records of Boone County, Missouri, 1821-1870 Hathi Trust
- Wills and administration of Boone county, Missouri, 1821-1870 Hathi Trust